Koi Basics

In 2006, in a small cramped L.A. apartment, we started koi with a simple mission. Make scrubs people love to wear.

Back then, “scrubs” and “fashion” were not words you’d typically hear in the same sentence. More often than not, scrubs were blue or a hideous shade of green and made with fabric that felt like you were wearing a tablecloth.

We didn’t set out to change an industry. It just turned out that way. We simply wanted to make better scrubs.

Scrubs that are super functional, but also fashion forward. Flattering to wear. And ultra comfortable, even when you’re working those extra long shifts.

If you have to wear scrubs to work, shouldn’t they make you look and feel amazing?

We think so. That’s why we’re constantly tweaking, testing, redesigning and re-engineering our scrubs, to make them even better. And adding the little touches and special details that make ours scrubs so unique.

We’re all about designing happiness. One stitch at a time.


the koi team

koi scrubs are designed with love in Santa Monica

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